04 May, 2024

Caleb Jude Packham: Yoga for the Modern-day Man

Join Caleb Jude Packham for a Sattva Yoga experience every Monday on Wanderlust TV, to enhance physical, mental and emotional fitness. His signature practice, Sattva Yoga combines yoga asana, kundalini, breathwork, kriyas & meditation. The following interview with Caleb includes an excerpt of the book, The Power of Yoga for Men. Through their own personal traumas of losing […]

7 mins read

Ayurveda For Autumn Balance

An increasing amount of western yogis are embracing the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural healing developed in India. Ayurveda believes that everything in the world—the Earth and all things on it—can be characterized by physical traits, and can therefore be brought into balance according to that physicality. In climates that experience […]

3 mins read

Yoga for Virgo Season: Releasing Ideas of Expectations

Sections of this article appear in The Yoga Almanac: 52 Practices and Rituals to Stay Grounded Through the Astrological Seasons, March 2020, New Harbinger Publications. Reprinted with permission: New Harbinger Publications, Inc. © 2020 Lisette Cheresson & Andrea Rice. Virgo season—when the chaos of social summer gives way to the pull of order and organization; […]

10 mins read

The Power of Community

Yasmin hosting a FREE live event on 27 September at Bingham Riverhouse in Richmond, London where she will be discussing ‘The Power of Community’ with Reeva Bains, Co-Partner of Wanderlust UK.  The event is in person and live streamed. To register for the in-person event click here, and live steam click here. We Are In […]

5 mins read