3 mins read

How to do Ananda Balasana – Happy Baby Pose

Emily Turner
Ananda Balasana also known as the Happy Baby Pose, is a basic pose that is found in many contemporary yoga routines, and is known to stretch the inner groin and lower back while calming the mind by relieving the stress.

How to:

Lie flat on your back. Inhale and lift your legs up, bringing both your knees close to your chest.
Hold your big toes using a toe lock with your arms stretched on the inside of the legs. Gently open up your hips and widen your legs to deepen the stretch.
Make sure head is resting on the floor.
Stack each ankle directly over the knee so that the shins are perpendicular to the floor.
Press tailbone and the sacrum down to the floor while you press your heels up, pulling back with your arms. The shoulders, whole area of the back and the spine should be pressed flat on the floor.Lengthen your spine as you bring your thighs into your torso and towards the floor.
Press the knees down to feel the stretch in the hip, inner thighs and groin.
Breathe normally and hold the pose for about 30 seconds to a minute.
Exhale and release your arms and legs. Lie on the floor for a few seconds before you move on to the next asana.


Stretches the back and the spine and also the inner part of the groin, inner thighs, and the hamstrings.
Opens hips, inner thighs, and groin
It releases all the tension trapped in the sacrum and lower back and relieves back pain.
Stretches and soothes the spine
Helps open up the shoulders and the chest.
Practicing the happy baby pose regularly helps reduce the heart rate, therefore relaxing and calming the brain and mind.
Helps release stress and fatigue owing to the deep stretch.


Do not practice this asana if you
Are Pregnant
Have any injury in the knee and the ankle
Have any injury at the neck and shoulders.
Are menstruating
Have high BP
And if you have a neck injury, you should make use of a thickly folded blanket to provide support to the head.

Watch more: http://21frames.in/yogaandyou
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